Apple is widely expected to launch its upcoming flagship smartphone iPhone 5S at an event on September 10. The company is said to be adding colour to its top-end line-up this year, with rumours pointing towards a goldcoloured handset to be added to existing line of smartphones in white and black hues. Now a leak photo adds some credence to this speculation.
French tech website Macboutic has leaked images of the back panel of the iPhone 5S in gold colour. The photos do not have the Apple logo on the rear and the website has said it has deliberately "blurred out" the same. Tech grapevine says that this may have been done to protect the identity of the sources who leaked this rear case to the website.
This report comes just hours after KGI Securities analyst Ming-ChiKuo, who has accurately leaked several details about iPhones and iPadsin the past, said that Apple will launch the next iPhone in champagnecolour.
Kuo also said that the upcoming iPhone 5S will come with a 128GB, which will make it just the second Apple mobile device to have this much storage capacity after the fourth-generation iPad. He also wrote in a research note that the Home button in the upcoming iPhone will be made using sapphire and incorporate fingerprint recognition technology. Apple acquired Authentec, a company working in fingerprint recognition technology, in 2012.
Kuo also says that the next-gen iPhone will be powered by an ARMv8 architecture-based A7processor that will increase computing power by 20% over its predecessor. Other details suggested by Kuo include 1GB RAM and camera with f2.0 aperture and dual-LED flash.
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French tech website Macboutic has leaked images of the back panel of the iPhone 5S in gold colour. The photos do not have the Apple logo on the rear and the website has said it has deliberately "blurred out" the same. Tech grapevine says that this may have been done to protect the identity of the sources who leaked this rear case to the website.
This report comes just hours after KGI Securities analyst Ming-ChiKuo, who has accurately leaked several details about iPhones and iPadsin the past, said that Apple will launch the next iPhone in champagnecolour.
Kuo also said that the upcoming iPhone 5S will come with a 128GB, which will make it just the second Apple mobile device to have this much storage capacity after the fourth-generation iPad. He also wrote in a research note that the Home button in the upcoming iPhone will be made using sapphire and incorporate fingerprint recognition technology. Apple acquired Authentec, a company working in fingerprint recognition technology, in 2012.
Kuo also says that the next-gen iPhone will be powered by an ARMv8 architecture-based A7processor that will increase computing power by 20% over its predecessor. Other details suggested by Kuo include 1GB RAM and camera with f2.0 aperture and dual-LED flash.
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